Tag: hobbies

  • Have You Ever Tried Embroidery?

    by Beth Royston While I’ve had more time to bake during quarantine — something I’ve always loved to do — I finally tried something new with soapmaking — something I wanted to try for a long time. However, a new goal of mine was to pick a new hobby to try that had only appeared…

  • Nailing Stress

    Nailing Stress

    “I actually used to be a nail tech … not that you can tell.” I force a laugh and brandish my bitten stubs. I admit it — I’m a nail biter. Gross and unattractive in the best of times, it’s a literal life-and-death habit in Corona times — a danger to not only myself by…

  • Crafting in Quarantine: “Quaranzines”

    Crafting in Quarantine: “Quaranzines”

    Whether in mandatory or self-imposed isolation, people are turning to hobbies like arts and crafts to keep themselves occupied.  One fun project having a moment on social media is zine-making: The hashtag #quaranzine has over 5,000 hits on Instagram. Merriam-Webster defines a zine as “a noncommercial often homemade or online publication usually devoted to specialized…

  • Lots of Lather

    Lots of Lather

    by Beth Royston I’ve always enjoyed hands-on hobbies, like sewing, ceramics and gardening — to name a few. Soapmaking always seemed really interesting and one of those things that you don’t really think about how it’s made! I made the switch a few years ago to bar soap only. Most of the time I buy…