Higher Education Cushion

higher_edLast term I took two elective courses that made me question my choice of major and career. After two years of pursuing Economics, a class in Health and Health Systems was precisely my cup of tea. At the same time, I was taking a course on Nutrition, which inspired me to cook more often and in a much healthier way.

I noticed that while I was excited to get ahead on readings and homework for my health classes, my econ homework was often thrown by the wayside. I procrastinated more for those econ classes than any other in my entire life. All fall, my close friends had to endure my constant narrative about whether to change my major. And at the end of the term, I finally did. I’m now officially majoring in Health Studies.

Nearing the halfway mark of my junior year, I am thankful for the cushion that comes with still being in school. Changing my career after college would be even more difficult than changing my major in my junior year, which, trust me, was terrifying. My appreciation for the security and freedoms I have as a student have grown substantially, as well as my respect for those who have made a career change, returned to school, or enrolled for the first time in order to make a job transition later in life.

How many times have you changed your major? Are there any other “cushions” in higher education that you have grown to appreciate?




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